11–13 May 2016, Grenoble, France
On mixing across a stable density interface
Antoine Venaille  1@  , Louis Gostiaux  2  , Joel Sommeria  3  
1 : Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS Lyon  (Phys-ENS)  -  Website
CNRS : UMR5672, École Normale Supérieure - Lyon
46 allée d'Italie 69007 Lyon -  France
2 : Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique  (LMFA)  -  Website
CNRS : UMR5509, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon
36 Av Guy de Collongue 69134 ECULLY CEDEX -  France
3 : Laboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels  (LEGI)  -  Website
Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS : UMR5519
1209–1211 Rue de la piscine - BP 53 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9 -  France

Stratified turbulent fluids have the propensity to spontaneously form sharp density interfaces. Following the seminal experimental work of Rouse \& Dodu (1955) performed in Grenoble, mixing across stable density interfaces has been thoroughly addressed by Emil Hopfinger and collaborators over the last 40 years. This led to a better understanding of what sets the interface shape and the entrainment rate across the interface. We will first review those important contributions, and second present a novel approach to the problem based on a statistical model. Indeed, turbulent mixing in stratified fluids involves a huge number of degrees of freedom, which renders extremely difficult a deterministic approach to the problem. Our model describes the temporal evolution of the probability to measure a given buoyancy level at each height, and accounts for the feedback of buoyancy fluctuations on the mean buoyancy profile. This leads to a hierarchy of subgrid-scale models describing restratification effects and the spontaneous emergence of sharp but finite density interfaces.

  • Presentation
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