LabEx OSUG@2020 is a project selected as part of the “laboratories of excellence” initiative funded by “investments for the future”, a program launched by the French Government and implemented by the National Research Agency (ANR). The main objectives of this project are to: expand observing systems and better connect and process data collected for modeling purposes, in order to improve our understanding of natural systems and our ability to predict them; extend our shared expertise on environmental issues, including their impact on humans, and provide our expertise as a service in advising public policy; attract and train more students through innovative tools and programs, in order to further address strategic research priorities in urgent environmental issues, ecotechnologies, social sciences and health, etc.
CNRS's Institute for Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS) brings together fundamental research, engineering and technology, emphasizing a naturally integrative systems approach stemming from the scientific disciplines encompassed by the Institute. From understanding phenomena to thinking up systems of major technological and societal importance, and from designing such systems to developing basic concepts and technologies, engineering and systems sciences lie at the heart of tomorrow's technologies. INSIS's mission is to promote and coordinate research carried out in engineering and systems sciences, while reinforcing and creating synergies between the various disciplines represented in the Institute: materials and structural mechanics and engineering, solids mechanics, acoustics; fluid and reactive media, transport, transfer, transform processes; micro- and nanoelectronics, micro- and nanotechnologies, micro- and nanosystems, electromagnetism, electrical engineering, photonics. Interdisciplinarity lies at the heart of INSIS, both in-house regarding its own disciplines, and with other institutions. In addition, INSIS conducts strategic actions in partnership with industry, other research institutions, and local and regional authorities, and is closely involved in structures such as competitiveness clusters and the Carnot Institutes.
Association Grenobloise pour la Promotion de la Mécanique des Fluides (AGPMF)
L'Association Grenobloise pour la Promotion de la Mécanique des Fluides (AGPMF) a pour objet de promouvoir l’avancement des connaissances en mécanique des fluides et favoriser les échanges scientifiques de ses membres notamment par leur participation à des manifestations en France et à l’étranger, organisation de congrès, conférences, séminaires, accueil de personnalités scientifiques étrangères.
Ideally located in the heart of the French Alps, Grenoble Institute of Technology is one of Europe's leading technology universities. It offers a range of engineering, masters and doctoral courses both in French and in English, driven by world-class research in 37 laboratories, and 6 state-of-the-art technology platforms, developped in partnership with other institutions. Grenoble Institute of Technology's mission is to empower new generations of engineers to respond to global challenges in the fields of energy, the digital world, micro- and nanotechnologies, the environment, as industries of the future. For 120 years, Grenoble Institute of Technology has been instrumental in developping innovative solutions with industrial partners to support continuous technological advances and economic growth.
Fruit de la fusion le 1er janvier 2016 des universités Joseph Fourier, Pierre-Mendès-France et Stendhal, l'Université Grenoble Alpes représente un acteur majeur de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche en France. Dans un monde de plus en plus compétitif, le nouvel établissement a pour ambition de mieux répondre à l'ensemble des défis posés aux universités par le monde d'aujourd'hui et de demain, et d'être encore plus visible et attractif à l'international. Grâce à ses 80 laboratoires et à sa structuration en six pôles, la recherche à l'Université Grenoble Alpes gagne en interdisciplinarité pour être à la pointe de l'innovation. Son offre de formation, divisée en quatre grands domaines, couvre désormais l'ensemble des champs disciplinaires. L'université fusionnée est aujourd'hui en mesure de proposer à ses 45 000 étudiants des formations transversales et de faciliter les passerelles entre les diplômes.