11–13 May 2016, Grenoble, France
Wave and vortex regime in large-gap stratified Taylor--Couette flow
Jan-Bert Flór  1@  
1 : Laboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels  (LEGI)  -  Website
CNRS : UMR5519, Université Grenoble Alpes
1209-1211 Rue de la piscine - BP 53 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9 -  France

Stratified Taylor--Couette (TC) flows have been investigated to understand, among others, the equatorial ocean circulation [1,2,3], mixing by vortices [4,5], and in an astrophysical context the stability of accretion disk due to the so-called strato-rotational instability observed experimentally in [6] and first compared to theory in [7]. Here, a centrifugally unstable flow is generated by a cylinder of radius $R$ that is impulsively set into rotation about its vertical axis with angular speed $\Omega$. The gap width is 3 to 13 times larger than the radius of the inner cylinder, and is filled with a linearly stratified fluid with buoyancy frequency $N$. We are considering the thin vorticity layer at the cylinder boundary of which the dynamics are determined by the Froude number $F=Ω/N$ and the Reynolds number $\mathit{Re}=\Omega R^2/\nu$, with $\nu$ the viscosity. A bifurcation is found at $F=1$, with for $F>1$ centrifugally unstable flow with vortices intruding in the ambient stratification, and for $F<1$, helicoidal inertial waves propagating along the inner cylinder boundary. This bifurcation has also been found in the small gap TC flow in [3,8] though here the waves are unstable and increase in amplitude when the Reynolds number $\mathit{Re}_n=\Omega R^2/(n\nu) >130$, with $n$ the azimuthal wave mode, and dissipate for $\mathit{Re}_n<130$. The origin of the instability is discussed. \\


\item[{[1]}] Hua, B.L., Le Gentil, S. \& Orlandi, P., \textit{Phys. Fluids 9, 365 (1997)}.
\item[{[2]}] Boubnov, B.M., Gledzer, E.B. \& Hopfinger, E.J., \textit{J. Fluid Mech. 292, 333 (1995)}.
\item[{[3]}] Caton, F., Janiaud, B. \& Hopfinger, E.J., \textit{
J. Fluid Mech. 419, 93 (2000)}.
\item[{[4]}] Guyez, E., Flór, J.-B. \& Hopfinger, E.J., \textit{J. Fluid Mech. 577, 127–136 (2007)}.
\item[{[5]}] Flór, J.-B., Hopfinger, E.J. \& Guyez, E., \textit{
J. Geoph. Res. Oceans 115, C10,2156–2202 (2010)}.
\item[{[6]}] Boubnov, B. \& Hopfinger, E.J., \textit{Fluids Dyn. 32(4), 520–528 (1997)}.
\item[{[7]}] Le Bars, M. \& Le Gal, P., \textit{Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 064502 (2006)}.
\item[{[8]}] Caton, F., Janiaud, B. \& Hopfinger, E.J., \textit{Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (23), 4647–4650 (1999)}.


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